Monthly Archives: August 2014


What if Russia and the United States of America became close allies?

What if Russia were a close ally like Britain or Israel? When reports surface to the effect that “Putin has blood on his hands” or “Kiev has asked the security council of the United Nations to designate the Russian separatists as terrorists”, then mainstream media outlets would emphasize the importance of President Vladimir Putin in his efforts to strengthen the economy of Russia and promote trade in the Eurasian zone, and his brilliant role in the peaceful transfer of Crimea to the Russian State. Talk radio hosts like Glenn Beck might even say “I stand with Russia!” Some of the measurable effects would be the continuation of trade between Russia, Scandinavia and Europe, the return to subsidized natural gas to Ukraine. Other benefits would be exchange of intelligence and the trust in that intelligence.
Could people in the Pentagon, Whitehouse or Congress begin to trust? They would have to remind themselves of some simple facts. The Russian empire of the Tsars was not a threat to the United States of America. The Soviet Union had not invaded any country that did not share its border. Some people will remind us of the Cuban Missile crisis and the fear that swept the country. Do we want to return to the days when most heads of the household had to seriously consider whether the family budget could accommodate a bomb shelter? Hey, that was more than fifty years ago! Russia is no longer the Soviet Union, and we have better communications now to help us understand one another. It would be a return to a very dark age if a director of the CIA would describe Russians as mysteriously as Lt. General Hoyt Sanford Vandenburg did when he said of Molotov’s speech of October 30, 1946: “Soviet leaders only speak in algebraic symbols.” Such statements could get a student a failing grade in an International Studies or Russian class and these days and wouldn’t receive a “like” as a comment on a news article. But then Hillary Clinton’s comment (March 5 Washington Post, Phillip Rucker) likening Putin’s move in Crimea to Hitler in the thirties is a “dark age” comment. To many who have not taken the time to read Shirer’s Rise and Fall of the Third Reich for example and therefore understand the detailed context of Hitler’s rise to power let alone Mein Kampf where Hitler outlined his intent to expand the boundaries of Germany militarily and justify it with a racist ideology, the comment passes as a show of historical knowledge. Still, Putin is not Adolf Hitler. Since the development of the printing press it has been difficult to create and propagate new religions so to the rise of maniacal dictators must be near impossible until internet connections are dropped in mass and bread for the hungry becomes a political slogan again. Otherwise anecdotal comparisons to Hitler are pedantic and anachronistic.
The worst days of Russian and US relations were fifty or more years ago, so we are headed for rapprochement if we consider US and British relations as a model. The Brits burned our White House in 1814, yet only one hundred and three years later, the Americans brandished their bayonets to help White Hall defeat the Hun in World War One.
The expansion of NATO and containment of Russia since the end of the Soviet Union might be seen as an attempt to fulfill a cryptic prophecy. To achieve total world domination the nexus of central banks of the US, UK and EU need the resources of Russia. It is Russia that is not part of a world domination plan so it must be made malleable to Western control. When you have the power to print money, as the Federal Reserve does, and you don’t answer to anyone, expansion of power is the only plan unless you deconstruct yourself. Step by step acquisition of power through the destruction of rivals like Gaddafi and his African development bank marks the progress of time. (See: “Semantics – The Rise and Fall of Muammar al Gathafi”
A real move of genius has been the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) development bank in Shanghai. (For an excellent discussion of The BRICS Development Bank see Professor Horace G. Campbell’s article: “The Future of the BRICS Development Bank” at These five developing nations have given themselves leverage in the IMF, World Bank system. It is a start of a world financial system without pride of place. This alliance is discrete and possesses a serious challenge to US, UK, EU and Japanese domination.
It seems impossible for the US banking, military, intelligence complex to change course or alter its thinking. Look at the more than 100 US military facilities in Italy, more than forty in Germany, those in Japan etc. and realize that gains from World War II have been held as well as hegemonic thinking since the war’s aftermath. The next installment of The Moore Chronicles will look at the origin of NATO, a human centered story with a strong element of spite.